It can be used for fitting Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy. It is a plotting program for analysis rather than presentation. MCDfit v.1.0 MCDfit: A spectroscopic tool for Multiple Curve Deconvolution and fitting.Data decomposition and scientific analysis based on deconvolution approach. Ledalab v.331 Matlab software for analysis of skin conductance data (SC viz., electrodermal activity, EDA galvanic skin response, GSR).Fast preview at the one to one level of the final. Reduces/Removes line screen patterns from flatbed scans Advanced DeBlur to Perform DeConvolution that invert the blurring process

Edit AutoFocus for Mac OS v.2.15 Makes the best of all digital photos/logos or illustrations:.It is a stand-alone Java and Perl application that provides an easy-to-use interface for manually calling of hits on a pooled array and deconvolution of those.

Parallel Spectral Deconvolution v.1.11 Parallel Spectral Deconvolution is a multithreaded ImageJ plugin for spectral image.Color Deconvolution for TMA images v.1.00 This is a collection of ImageJ macros (scripts) for performing color deconvolution and analysis of immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining on tissue microarray (TMA).